He is accused of the attempted murder of three children and the assault of a creche worker in Parnell Street in Dublin on November 23rd last year.
The trial of a man accused of attempting to murder three young children in Dublin last year has been postponed.
Riad Bouchaker, of no fixed abode, had been due to stand trial next month, but that has now been vacated pending a report from a neuropsychologist.
He is accused of the attempted murder of three children and the assault of a creche worker in Parnell Street in Dublin on November 23rd last year.
The Central Criminal Court heard lawyers for Mr. Bouchaker are awaiting a report from a neuropsychologist.
Mr. Justice Paul McDermott was handed documents which a barrister for the accused said ‘set out the complexity’ of the work needed to be conducted by the neuropsychologist – which will take until the end of February.
The trial was due to start on January 13th, but the case was adjourned to February 26th for an update.