Ban on evictions and rent increases to expire in July.
The Taoiseach has been accused of leaving renters in the lurch, ahead of the expiry of protections in July.
It's feared some people in rent pressure zones, which includes all of Co. Kildare, could face increases of up to 8 per cent next month, when Covid measures are withdrawn.
Sinn Fein Leader Mary Lou McDonald strongly criticised Taoiseach Michael Martin in the Dail and urged him to act:
The Taoiseach says the housing minister is working on proposals to protect the most vulnerable tenants.
Michael Martin hit back at Deputy Mc Donald's criticism and questioned Sinn Fein's approach to housing:
Measures will go before cabinet next week to extend the protections for renters who have been financially hit by COVID.
However, legislation aimed at stopping the situation where landlords can increase rents by 8 per cent in Rent Pressure Zones every two years won't be reviewed until the Autumn.
All of Co. Kildare is an RPZ.
Our Political Correspondent Seán Defoe reports: