Minister Foley says the government is taking a 'serious response' and this is just the first stage.
The Education Minister says survivors will be central to a new scoping inquiry opened for survivors of sexual abuse in schools run by religious orders.
It follows revelations of abuse at several Spriritan run schools across the country.
This scoping inquiry which will last around 8 months, aims to shape how the government responds to allegations of historical sexual abuse at religious schools.
It'll be steered by Senior Counsel Mary O’Toole, and will hear from survivors, experts in child protection, restorative justice and survivor engagement.
This scoping inquiry comes as over 130 people have made complaints to gardaí in recent months, in relation to alleged abuse at Spiritan run schools.
Minister Foley says it'll conclude with the publication of a report in around eight months time, conclude with a report of recommendations for the next step.
The process is open to anyone who was the victim of historical sexual abuse at any school run by religious orders.
They're being asked to get in touch by by emailing survivorengagement@esi.gov.ie