Gerry Kennedy, from Coppenagh, Graignamana is being remembered as a great friend and is remembered by his five children.
A man in his 40s has died in Kilkenny after being discovered in a campervan.
He's been named locally as father-of-five Gerry Kennedy.
Gardaí and emergency services were called to an incident in Thomastown at around midday on Sunday, January 5th.
They discovered the body of a man in his 40s who was deceased in a camper van.
His body was removed to the mortuary at Waterford University Hospital.
It's believed he died from suspected carbon monoxide poisoning while sleeping in his campervan.
Gardaí say they're treating the incident as a tragic accident.
Gerry Kennedy, from Coppenagh, Graignamana is being remembered as a great friend and is remembered by his five children.