The NCH is due to be completed by the end of January 2024.
The cost of the new National Children's Hospital is set to rise by at least another €50 million due to inflation, the Public Accounts Committee has been told.
The head of the National Paediatric Hospital Development Board (NPHDB) David Gunning has said the already over-budget hospital won't be delivered for the current €1.4 billion price tag.
The State is liable for inflation above 4% on the project, which has been caught by delays and cost over-runs.
It was also confirmed at the PAC that the project is over the budget the Government approved.
The completion date is now set for January 2024.
However, the project was originally meant to be complete by this August.
CEO of the New Children's Hospital Development Group David Gunning says runaway inflation has also opened up the State to more costs: