The HSE is finalising the plans with services to be provided through private clinics.
Couples will have access to one publicly funded round of IVF from September.
Health Minister Stephen Donnelly will update his Cabinet colleagues on the plans in their final meeting before their summer recess.
September will be the first time in the history of the State there will be publicly funded reproductive treatment.
Eligible couples will be fully funded for one round of IVF, subject to qualification criteria.
The HSE is finalising the plans with services to be provided through private clinics.
One IVF cycle will be provided for couples who've had no more than one privately-funded round.
Up to three cycles of IUI, Intrauterine Insemination Treatment, may also be covered.
Access criteria will include couples having a known clinical cause of infertility, maximum age limits, Body Mass Index requirements and the number of children the couple already have.
10 million euro in funding has been provided for this year, with the Department of Health planning to expand the services offered and the number of people who can avail of them over time.