The health minister has insisted the hospital will not be influenced by religious orders.
Pro-choice activists and members of the opposition have expressed concern over the governance of the new National Maternity Hospital.
It's expected the Health Minister will seek approval from cabinet today to build the facility on St Vincent's Hospital campus in south Dublin - a move which has sparked controversy in the past due to its links with the Catholic Church.
Cabinet are expected to sign off on plans that will see the new National Maternity Hospital built on St Vincent's Campus.
There are concerns over the governance of the facilty - last week the Religious Sisters of Charity transferd the ownership of the site to St Vincent's Holdings which is set to lease the hospital to the State.
The health minister has previously insisted the hospital will not be influenced by religious orders.
However, the former Master of the National Maternity Hospital Peter Boylan believes the ethos of St Vincent's Holdings will impact reproductive care.
Meanwhile in the States, protests have begun in Washington DC after a leaked document showed the majority of the Supreme Court judges favour overruling their abortion laws.
Eilis Mulroy from Ireland's Pro-Life Campaign believes the move could affect attitudes at home.
An Oireachtas Health Committee is currently reviewing Ireland's abortion legislation.