It includes extending the grants available to people purchasing vacant homes
The Cabinet will discuss a new plan to incentivise developers to build cost-rental homes, when it meets on Tuesday.
They include a €20,000 increase in grants available under the Croi Conaithe Scheme to help renovate vacant and derelict homes, and a subvention of up to €150,000 on the cost of constructing cost-rental units.
A third proposal is to temporarily waive development fees which are used to contribute towards the provision of public infrastructure to allow house building.
A new 1 billion euro housing plan is due to be unveiled by cabinet.
Once approved by the Cabinet, some of these changes will likely take effect immediately.
It includes extending the grants available to people purchasing vacant homes, to now include any property built before 2007.
It will also allow buyers to purchase vacant homes with the intention of renovating and then renting out the property.
Also on the agenda is a scheme to provide up to €150 thousand to developers or the Land Development Agency to build cost-rental homes.