Find out what's in store for you in Budget 2023 here.
Pensioners are to get cash lump sums of up to 1,100 euro under a 2 billion euro budget bonanza from the Department of Social Protection.
Those on core social welfare rates will see their weekly payments go up by 12 euro and two double payments before the new year under Budget 2023 plans.
A 2.1 billion euro social welfare package will see a 12 euro a week rise in core payments, bringing the dole to 220 a week and pensions to 265.
The usual Christmas double payment bonus will accompany a special Halloween bonus this year given at the end of October at a total cost of 600m.
There will be a major expansion of the fuel allowance criteria, bringing an estimated 60 to 80 thousand extra homes into the mix for the payment.
Those on the fuel allowance will also get a once off cash lump sum of 400 euro this winter, while those on the living alone allowance will get 200 euro.
It means someone on the State Pension, Living Alone Allowance & Fuel Allowance would get cash payments of 1,100 euro by Christmas.
Carers, people with a disability, and those on the working family payment will all get a lump sum of 500 euro.
While there will be a double payment of child benefit rates in December.
There will also be a 20 euro rise in the Domiciliary Care Allowance to 320 euro.
Publicly funded IVF, and 1,000 new Gardaí are some of the other measures contained in today's giveaway budget.
Ministers Paschal Donohoe and Michael McGrath will announce a package worth more than 10 billion euro in new spending.
The recurrent budget spending will include giving 430,000 people free GP access, making publicly funded IVF available and free contraception for people aged 30 and under.
Childcare costs will be slashed by up to 25% while tax credits will be worth 1,000 over two years for renters.
The once off cost of living measures will include a 600 euro electricity credit to be paid over three installments.
Student fees will also be cut by 1,000 euro for this academic year.
Changes to income tax rates will be worth €800 euro a year to anyone earning more than €40,000.
With a total package worth over 10 billion euro in extra spending, it's a giveaway budget like few before, with the government hoping it will be enough to get people through the winter to come.