Co. Kildare's rate was 2.1%
The residential vacancy rate in Kildare was 2.1% in the fourth quarter of 2021, lower than the national average of 4.4%, according to the GeoDirectory database in 2021.
Some 2,240 residential buildings were under construction in Kildare in the same time period.
The average residential property price in the county was €338,874 in the twelve months to October 2021.
Celbridge was the town with the highest average price at €388,912.
There were 281 residential address points classified as derelict in Kildare in quarter four of 2021.
A further 1,604 new residential address points in the county were added to the GeoDirectory database in 2021
The report found that the number of new residential address points added to the GeoDirectory database nationally in 2021 fell by 17.4% compared to the previous year.
In total 18,047 new address points were recorded in Ireland in 2021, with over a quarter located in Dublin (29.6%), a year-on-year decrease of 26% in the capital.
At 48.9%, almost half of the total of new addresses were found in the Greater Dublin Area of Dublin, Meath, Kildare and Wicklow.
In quarter four of 2021, 19,495 residential buildings were under construction, a notable 16.5% increase on the corresponding figure in 2020.
Residential construction activity was strongest in the Leinster region, with 59.7% of all buildings under construction in the last quarter recorded in the province.
At 15.1%, the highest share of the country’s residential construction activity was in Dublin, however this was 1.3 percentage points lower than in Q4 2020.
An increase in residential construction activity was recorded in 18 counties, with the highest year-on-year increases in Offaly (+118.1%), Waterford (+70.2%) and Clare (+54.3%).
There was a slight decline in the national vacany rate in 2021.
The lowest residential vacancy rates in the country were found in Dublin (1.4%), Kildare (2.1%), and both Waterford and Louth (2.8% each). Across the counties of Leinster, the average residential vacancy rate stood at 2.3%.
The average residential property price in Kildare was €338,874 in the twelve months to October 2021, with a total of 2,557 transactions taking place.
The average national house price during the 12-month period to October 2021 was €321,596, an increase of 9.4% on the equivalent 2020 figure.
Dublin remained the most expensive location to buy a house in Ireland, with an average price of €496,652.
Neighbouring counties Wicklow (€428,493) and Kildare (€338,874) were the only other counties with residential property prices higher than the national average.
The lowest average house price over the 12 months to October 2021 was recorded in Longford, at €142,298.
This represents an increase of 64.3% on the average house price in Longford during the corresponding 12-month period in 2016 at €86,598.
CEO, GeoDirectory, Dara Keogh spoke with Ciara Noble on Tuesday's Kildare Focus: