12,000 people in Kildare live in privately rented accommodation.
Renters, of whom there are 12,000 in Co. Kildare, face price hikes of up to 3 per cent as a plan to cap increases appears to have backfired.
Landlords were previously allowed to raise rents by a maximum of 4 per cent per year in rent pressure zones.
The entirety of Co. Kildare is designated as an RPZ.
While new rules linking hikes to inflation were meant to curb this, inflation is now running at 3 per cent.
Singer Paul Byrom was rejected for rental accommodation due to his profession.
He says people working in industries such as his are being failed.
Sinn Fein housing spokesperson Eoin Ó Broin says the government must act
The worst possible time to decide to link rents to inflation was at the very point that inflation is beginning to rise.
— Cian O'Callaghan T.D. (@OCallaghanCian) September 21, 2021
Ireland has some of the highest rents in Europe - with rents almost doubling over the last decade.
We need a ban on rent increases.https://t.co/nfsyo3WMml
Opposition parties say a three year rent freeze is desperately needed to tackle rising housing costs.
Social Democrats housing spokesman Cian O’Callaghan says linking to inflation was a mistake.