John O'Connor lets out multiple homes in Kildare, as last week was penalised by the RTB following multiple complaints from tenants
A tenant of Athy landlord John O'Connor has not been able to proceed with his dispute to the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB), due to the property watchdog not being able to find a current address for the landlord.
According to the Irish Independent, father of four Uze Abdulrakim Adekoya has been renting an apartment in The Harbour on Nelson Street in Athy from Mr O'Connor for more than a year.
Initially, Mr Adekoya had a "very good relationship" with the landlord, but that changed when he asked Mr O'Connor to complete paperwork so he could receive the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP).
Mr Adekoya was struggling to pay rent and missed a number of payments, to which he called Mr O'Connor to explain his financial situation.
Mr O'Connor replied with: "We do not do HAP".
Mr Adekoya then received an eviction notice from the Athy landlord, and was advised that if he disputed it, he was "entitled to refer the matter to the RTB".
However, Mr Adekoya did not have a current address for Mr O'Connor, as it was not included in his rental agreement.
Subsequently, the RTB wrote in a letter to Mr Adekoya that they "were unable to find a current address for the respondent".
A search on the RTB’s public register shows Mr Adekoya’s apartment does not appear to be registered as a tenancy.
Last week, it was reported that Mr O'Connor had been penalised by the RTB following multiple tenant complaints.
21-year-old Safinatu Kamara was awarded €4,500 after being illegally evicted while pregnant.
Other tenants reported withheld deposits, unresolved mold issues, and ignored complaints.
Mr O’Connor has not responded to inquiries.