Periodically from the 9th of March
Kildare County Council has given notice that it intends to close the following roads Ladytown (L2031), Newhall ( R445) and Floods Cross (L2030) Greatconnell, Murphy’s Roundabout, Motorway Bridge (L2028) Maddenstown (L7030), Tully East (L7024), and Maddenstown (L7028 )
The roads will be closed during the period between Wednesday, 9 March 2022 to the Thursday, 30 June to facilitate the maintenance of the road.
The roads will be closed periodically for 15 days at a time.
Northbound traffic shall be redirected along the R445 towards Naas to the Bundle of Sticks roundabout and then redirected to the L2030 to finish at Floods Crossroads.
Southbound traffic shall be redirected along the L2030 to the Bundle of Sticks roundabout and then redirected to the R445 (Newbridge Road) to finish at the Newhall junction.
Traffic shall be redirected through Newbridge by the R445 and redirected to the R416 to Athgarvan and then redirected at Athgarvan Cross to the L2032.
Traffic will then be redirected at Rosetown junction to the L2028 to finish at Hillsborough Area adjacent to the motorway bridge.
Northbound traffic shall be redirected along the L7030 and redirected to the L3007 towards Brownstown Cross. Traffic will then be redirected at Brownstown Cross to the L3006 towards Strawhall junction. Traffic will then be redirected at Strawhall junction to the L7024 to finished at the junction for the L7030.
Southbound traffic shall be redirected to the L7024 towards Strawhall junction and redirected to the L3006. Traffic will be redirected at Brownstown Cross to the L7030. Traffic will then be directed along the L7030 to finish at Maddenstown.
Diversionary routes will be clearly signposted, as agreed with the Council and An Garda Síochána. Emergency access and restricted local access will be maintained.
Any objections/observations should be lodged in writing to the A/Senior Executive Officer, Roads, Transportation and Public Safety, Kildare County Council, Áras Chill Dara, Devoy Park, Naas, Co. Kildare.
Members of the public can also e-mail to roadssubmissions@kildarecoco.ie on or before 5:00 p.m. on Monday, 21 February 2022.