The letter was issued by Mayor of Kildare, Cllr Naoise Ó Cearúil on behalf of Kildare County Council.
The letter states:
In response to the unlawful invasion of Ukraine by President Putin and to show Ireland’s support for Ukraine’s government and people, the members of Kildare County Council, representing the people of Kildare, call upon the Irish Government to expel the Russian Ambassador to Ireland, Yury Anatoliyevich Filatov.
Mayor Ó Cearúil stated, "Many people will be watching the horror and tragedy unfolding in Ukraine and will feel a sense of helplessness. Collectively we must all look to what little thing we can do to support our European neighbours in Ukraine, boost their morale and offer them whatever little hope or assistance we can. This is a small symbol to the Ukrainian people in Ireland and particularly here in Kildare that says "we're with you".
At the request of Mayor Ó Cearúil Kildare County Council will also be flying the Ukrainian flag at Aras Chill Dara.