Just last year, Sinn Fein's Pearse Doherty called on the Government to "pull the plug" and not grant any more contracts to BAM.
Despite previous calls by Sinn Fein for the Government to not go ahead with anymore construction contracts with Kill-based developer BAM, the party is now backing the company to build a children's hospital in Belfast.
Announcing the move last week, First Minister Michelle O’Neill said she was "delighted" about the build, with the party now saying that new governance controls will be put in place to oversee the construction in the North.
Just last year, Sinn Fein's Pearse Doherty called on the Government to "pull the plug" and not grant any more contracts to BAM.
That's after it was revealed that the developer was to be given contracts to carry out work at universities.
The company recently made headlines again after it sought an extra €100m in construction costs for its work at the National Children's Hospital.
BAM has been awarded the contract for the Belfast hospital, in partnership with the GRAHAM construction firm.