The Government confirmed in the Seanad
Planning permission is being sought for an extension to St. Vincent's Hospital, Athy.
The matter was raised by Labour Senator Mark Wall in the Seanad, about the need for the Minister for Health to provide an update on the provision of additional bed units at St. Vincent's Hospital, Athy.
Senator Wall commented: "This has been going on since 2019 and we were told we would get an extension with the provision of 50 beds.
"Yesterday in the Seanad, the Health Minister confirmed that Government are going ahead with a revised plan for St.Vincent's.
"The government is looking for planning permission in quarter one and construction will hopefully go ahead towards the end of the year.
" The first phase a 50 bed unit is going ahead in quarter four of 2022," he said.
The Labour Senator told KFM the second stage will be an additional 45 bed unit, including two 10 bed dementia wards.
Kildare Senator Mark Wall spoke on Wednesday morning's Kildare Today:
#Seanad Commencement Matter 1 @MarkWall1 – To the Minister for Health: To discuss the need for Additional bed units at St. Vincent’s Hospital, Athy, County Kildare https://t.co/tQua4zqnSa #seeforyourself pic.twitter.com/pc0NldjV1B
— Houses of the Oireachtas - Tithe an Oireachtais (@OireachtasNews) February 8, 2022